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Learn MoreIf you’re a teenager about to have stoma surgery, or who has just had the procedure, you may like to read about how other children your age coped with surgery – which may help you feel more confident.
If you’re a teenager who has recently had stoma surgery, hearing about other teens with stomas can be helpful. Teen With a Stoma was written for teenagers by teenagers. In this booklet, teens share their real stories and reflect on how they overcame issues that were important to them.
You’ll find:
Mother, triathlete, and outdoor swimmer Gill Castle shares her ostomy surgery experiences and explains how coping strategies can have a positive impact on life with a stoma.
Read MoreCreate your Silver Linings Checklist.
Read MoreNils doesn’t let his ileostomy keep him from living a full, active life. He loves to hang out with family and friends, go to the gym and the beach, and participate in extreme sports like skiing and pa...
Read MoreThree levels of skin protection.
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