NovaLife™ 2 Urostomy

The NovaLife™ 2 Urostomy is a urostomy pouch designed for discretion and comfort for people living with a urostomy. NovaLife™ 2 pouches have a secure 2-piece coupling system, giving the user the choice between the NovaLife™ flat, soft convex, and convex wafers.


  • Secure coupling system designed to give an audible click when connecting to the flange
  • Belt ears designed for easy attachment of a belt
  • Soft and water-repellent pouch cover – one side or both sides
  • EasiView™ viewing option designed for easy inspection of the stoma
  • Anti-bulge valve and discretion dot features can greatly reduce pouch bulging1
  • The Anti-reflux valve greatly reduces the backflow of urine from the pouch to the stoma2
  • Tap with teardrop indicator and flow control function
  • Click connection designed for easy connection to night drainage bag
  • The two discretion dots of the NovaLife Urostomy pouch provide a slim profile in the upper part of the pouch for more discretion and comfort1

Suggested Products

  1. When compared to Nova Urostomy pouch
  2. Data on file
Prior to using any of the products referenced, be sure to read the entire Instructions for Use package insert supplied with each product for device Intended Use, Description, Contraindications, Warning, Precautions, Adverse Events, and Instructions for Use.